The present dissertation was aimed to investigate the validity and reliability of the placement
test at the extensive language teaching centre. Additionally, it aimed at exploring its teachers of
English and upper-intermediate learners’ perceptions towards the placement test assessment. With
regard to the investigation of face validity, two research instruments were implemented. A
questionnaire was administered to a random sample of eleven upper- intermediate learners to get
insights about their views towards the placement test assessment. Moreover, an interview was
conducted with three teachers of English to elicit their perceived validity of the placement test.
Furthermore, a questionnaire was directed to the upper- intermediate teacher to investigate the
content validity of the target test. Concerning concurrent and construct validity, different
correlations were computed. To measure the correlation levels, the scores were compared by means
to the Pearson Correlation Coefficients. For concurrent validity, the English placement test scores
were compared with the upper-intermediate learners’ assessment as well as with their teacher’s
assessment. As for construct validity, the re-placement scores were compared with the subsets
scores of reading, vocabulary and grammar. At last, as for inter-rater reliability, the placement test
scores were compared with the re-placement test scores. This study outlined significant findings.
First, the majority of teachers and upper- intermediate students perceived the test as face valid.
Second, the results revealed that it was content valid. They also showed that there was a weak
correlation between the placement test scores and the learners’ self-assessment scores, yet a
moderate correlation was indicated between the test scores and teacher’ assessment. The findings
also indicated that the re-placement test was construct valid. In addition, they revealed that the
target test was inter-rater reliable. Hence, it can be inferred that the target placement test was valid
and reliable