Dépôt Institutionnel Université de Jijel

سمات الشخصية لدى أساتذة التعليم المتوسط

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dc.contributor.author ملجم, رقية
dc.contributor.author بلعابد, سلمى
dc.contributor.author كريكط, صباح
dc.contributor.author رزيق, فاطمة
dc.contributor.author براجل, إحسان (مشرفا)
dc.date.accessioned 2021-01-24T08:45:12Z
dc.date.available 2021-01-24T08:45:12Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.univ-jijel.dz:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/5089
dc.description.abstract This study aimed al highlighting she most important personal features of midle school teachers, through answering the folloing question: - what are the most important personsl features of middle scool teachers -jo answer that question the study has been fulfila at Belabed Abd Arrahman, Bouchaib Ammar and Bounbirat Mouhamed medal schouls. From Mag 21st to Mag 26th. The semple of the research has based on 60 teas results of the achers :42 female and 18 smal.on the after hans.The research was rebjin on the measure of the fine biggest factrs of person Alitg as a Jool of stady. As results of the statistie typers ,there are ;the teachers characteristies of the teachers are : - the spread of cheerfulness. - the spread of uveness to experience. - the spread of consiousness. - the spread of goodness and self confidenc. - the spread of nenvety. fr_FR
dc.language.iso ar fr_FR
dc.subject الشخصية ، التعليم fr_FR
dc.title سمات الشخصية لدى أساتذة التعليم المتوسط fr_FR
dc.type Thesis fr_FR

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