Dépôt Institutionnel Université de Jijel

Investigating the English Language Formality and informality in Speaking

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dc.contributor.author Ben Maazane, Houda
dc.contributor.author Teghlil, Samah
dc.contributor.author Kerdoun, Ahcène (supervised
dc.date.accessioned 2021-01-31T08:51:59Z
dc.date.available 2021-01-31T08:51:59Z
dc.date.issued 2015
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.univ-jijel.dz:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/5401
dc.description.abstract Language formality is a well discussed concept in the field of didactics. Attempting to describe the formal language that could be shared and understood among all its users, researchers have proposed various specifications that should characterise it. Generally, a formal language is the one that conveys a clear meaning and relies on well known rules. This study aims at demonstrating the level of English language formality at University of Mohammed Seddik Ben Yahia, in Jijel. In addition, it investigates the extent to which the theme of discussion determines the students’ use of formal and informal English. Subsequently, we have hypothesized that first year English Master Students speak informal English during discussing academic topics. During carrying out this study, two chapters have been devoted to discuss the theoretical part of the research in which the issues of language formality together with the speaking skill are discussed respectively, in addition to the third chapter where our research is put into practice. As far as the practical part is concerned, the data are collected from interviewing 10 first year Master students. The results obtained from the measurement of formality show, to a great extent, that the theme of discussion does not affect the student’s level of formality. English students as well tend to produce a semi formal English language fr_FR
dc.publisher university the jijel fr_FR
dc.subject English Language fr_FR
dc.title Investigating the English Language Formality and informality in Speaking fr_FR
dc.type Thesis fr_FR

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