Writing is one of the major basic skills that any student needs to master in order to attain a proficient level of competence and performance in a foreign language. Added to that, it is the process in which most exams and works are done. This quantitative research paper explored the use of translation as an aid in the process of performing the task of writing. It looked into the effects of such a use, be it negative or positive. It was carried out on the level of first year master students at the department of English at the University of Mohammed Seddik Ben
Yahia, Jijel. The research started by reading previous conducted studies on the subject as well as gathering data collected from testing 24 subjects. Subjects were divided into two groups, the control group and the experimental group. The experimental group was provided with translation of key words used in the assignment of writing that they were asked to accomplish. The control group was asked to write the assignment directly without translation. An analysis of the results then ensued, and a comparison of the results between the two groups was done. The conclusion demonstrated the effects of using translation on the task of writing and the benefits or the shortcomings of such practice on the skill of writing specifically, and learning a language more generally