The present piece of research aimed at examining the way reading and writing are
taught in the Algerian secondary schools .Most particularly, it is concerned with
the evaluation of theeffectiveness of Third year secondary school textbook “New
Prospects” in articulating and promoting the relationship between reading and
writing and the teachers’ perception and views towards this relation. In order to
validate the results of this study, three research instruments were employed:
Textbook evaluation of third year secondary school textbook “New Prospect”, a
classroom observation of third year secondary school classes and a questionnaire
which was administered to 20 secondary school teachers who taught third year
classes. The evaluation of “New Prospect” revealed that reading and writing
connection is not adequately introduced in the textbook .Moreover, the results of
teachers’ questionnaire and the classroom observation showed that the majority of
participants in our sampling are aware of the importance of connecting reading
and writing and its role in developing students’ language proficiency. However, a
tiny minority of them attempt to establish this connection in their classrooms.