The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between the extent of language
learning strategies use and foreign language anxiety among Mohammed Seddik Ben Yehia
university students. It also aimed at examining the difference between the participants with high
and low levels of anxiety in terms of their strategy use. The study was based on the hypothesis
that there is a significant relationship between foreign language anxiety and language learning
strategies, as there is a significant difference between high and low anxiety students in terms of
their use of language learning strategies. Two questionnaires were used as tools of research. The
first questionnaire is Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCA), developed by
Rebecca Oxford (1990). It was constructed to measure the level of foreign language anxiety as
perceived by learners while taking part in English classes. The second questionnaire is Language
Learning Strategies Inventory (LLSI) developed by Horwitz (1986).It was designed to measure
the frequency of using language learning strategies. The two questionnaires were adapted to
serve the context of the current study. The sample of this study consisted of 100 third year
students of English at Mohammed Seddik Ben Yahia University in Jijel, Algeria. The results
obtained revealed a significant negative correlation between the level of language anxiety and
strategy use. The t-test also confirmed the significant difference between high and low anxious
groups on the level of strategy use. That is, the more anxious the students are, the less frequently
they use strategies. Moreover, the results showed that among highly anxious students,
metacognitive and memory strategies were reported to be mostly used, while low anxious
students reported using metacognitive and cognitive strategies. As for social strategies, they were
reported to be less used by both groups