To become a competent communicator in a FL, learners should interact and negotiate meanings with their instructor or peers. However, this classroom interaction/participation is deemed problematic for many learners. Attempting to create effective strategies to enhance EFL learners‟ participation in class, the present study suggested using brain breaks in EFL context. The researcher hypothesized that brain breaks, if implemented, could encourage learners to speak more in class. The research investigated middle school teachers‟ attitudes towards the use of brain breaks to increase their pupils‟ participation in the classroom. To practically test the hypothesis, a quantitative research approach was utilized. Accordingly, descriptive statistical data was collected using an online MS teacher questionnaire. Twenty five teachers participated in the study and answered the questionnaire voluntarily. The findings showed that the majority of the respondents have positive attitudes towards break time activities and recommended its implementation in EFL classes. They believed that brain breaks energize, motivate, and entertain pupils, a situation which helps learners to become more focused and active in class