The incréasing of cholestérol rate in blood, witch is related with athérosclérosis and its
complications, constitue the major problem of public health by its frequency and its letality.
Perturbations of lipidic metabolism, witch have a précocious apparition in diabetic persons, are
connected with glucidic metabolism perturbation's and it is sensitive to the insulin treatment.
yv-e could impose several factors of risks that enter in genesis of the increasing
cholesterol rate in blood : genetic, redisposition, âge and sex, eating habits, tabacco addition
and alcahlsm and diabets.
In our work we emphasize on the percentage cases of diabétic persons (77.08%) we notice that such
percentage is over for the no diabétics perspns one (22.92%).
The prevention against this diseases confed in the good education of these factors.